Monday, October 17, 2011

Review of MASTERING CREATIVE ANXIETY by Eric Maisel (Books Reviewed by Georganna Hancock) (Kindle Edition)

Review of MASTERING CREATIVE ANXIETY by Eric Maisel (Books Reviewed by Georganna Hancock)
Review of MASTERING CREATIVE ANXIETY by Eric Maisel (Books Reviewed by Georganna Hancock) (Kindle Edition)
By Georganna Hancock

Review & Description

This review of Dr. Eric Maisel's latest offering on creativity, "Mastering Creative Anxiety: 24 Lessons for Writers, Painters, Musicians & Actors from America's Foremost Creativity Coach" was written by a creative person well acquainted with anxiety and methods for dealing with it, avoiding it, and learning to live with fears.

For writers, creative anxiety often develops into an enormity they call "writer's block." Just the threat of it terrifies some writers, especially those just beginning a writing career. Others manage to become "one hit wonders" and then hit the wall, never producing a second book. And even more find themselves blocked in the middle of their career for no apparent reason.

Dr. Maisel examines the many variations these blocks, fears, or anxieties can take and offers suggestions on how to handle them. He's a man with plans, but he does not guarantee any or all of them will work for every writer. There's a secret to operationalizing his techniques for success. Discover it in this review.

Georganna Hancock holds two degrees in psychology and has been a professional writer and book reviewer for many years. She's seen almost all variations of the anxieties Maisel's book covers and how different people have conquered their fears, or not, and the outcomes of their successes and failures.This review of Dr. Eric Maisel's latest offering on creativity, "Mastering Creative Anxiety: 24 Lessons for Writers, Painters, Musicians & Actors from America's Foremost Creativity Coach" was written by a creative person well acquainted with anxiety and methods for dealing with it, avoiding it, and learning to live with fears.

For writers, creative anxiety often develops into an enormity they call "writer's block." Just the threat of it terrifies some writers, especially those just beginning a writing career. Others manage to become "one hit wonders" and then hit the wall, never producing a second book. And even more find themselves blocked in the middle of their career for no apparent reason.

Dr. Maisel examines the many variations these blocks, fears, or anxieties can take and offers suggestions on how to handle them. He's a man with plans, but he does not guarantee any or all of them will work for every writer. There's a secret to operationalizing his techniques for success. Discover it in this review.

Georganna Hancock holds two degrees in psychology and has been a professional writer and book reviewer for many years. She's seen almost all variations of the anxieties Maisel's book covers and how different people have conquered their fears, or not, and the outcomes of their successes and failures. Read more

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