By Ms. Deborah S Nelson
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Review & Description
HOW MUCH IS A DREAM COME TRUE WORTH? Let's Get Real. How many self-help books and courses have you consumed which return you to "real life" on Monday morning with only a fading memory of a fleeting inspiration? The Dreams to Reality self help curriculum (textbook and workbook) is like no other course you have ever taken in your life. It is unique, transformational, and extraordinary! This is no hype. Keep reading and you will see. It is a 3-part series which teaches you the 10 dreams to reality steps as a life skill. You will go deep into the beauty and joy of your heart and soul to rediscover the true riches of who you are RIGHT NOW (because its never too late)...and then you will write and publish your REALITY PLAN, and literally become the Author of Your Dreams...ON PURPOSE! This personal development course reaches out to the outer edges of the universe, far beyond the hype of the typical motivational speaker or teacher or guru! Based on solid pricipals of success, this course is unique, transformational, and extraordinary in that it DOES NOT teach you how to MODEL people who are rich, famous, and successful (in part because of you); rather, you will learn how to model after the best possible version of yourself! THIS concept alone, is incredibly POWERFUL and worth the cost of the course ALONE! When you complete this course, you will have a PUBLISHED copy of your REALITY PLAN BOOK. Long after the initial hype is over you have something real in your hands; and for many, their dreams are already on the way before they even complete this curriculum. The entire course includes the 3 books...Textbook, Workbook, and your published Vision Plan Book. HOW MUSH IS A DREAM COME TRUE WORTH TO YOU? (Priceless). How would it feel to truly be living your dreams? Absolutely PRICELESS! Right? This Dreams to Reality Series is unique, and in 10 Steps teaches how to achieve your dreams...ON PURPOSE! Yet the price on this book is unbelievable! For real. We want you to believe it, buy it, and invest in yourself to learn how to live your dreams. Normally $17.95, this book is offered at $10 OFF, only $795 barely enough to cover printing costs! However, we are so confident that you will be truly inspired to action by this unique and transformational process, you will return to buy the workbook to complete the process and change your life! How often have you wished for a real result leading to real happiness? The "Dreams to Reality" process gives you a real result, your own personal published "reality plan book." It's a vision board book, published and authored by you. Based on the powerful synergistic combination of attraction and action, you become the author of your dreams, literally! The Dreams to Reality Action Plan is a three-part curriculum that teaches you how to write your story to become the author of your dreams in six weeks! PART ONE teaches The "Dreams to Reality" process. PART TWO is your dream-planning workbook; PART THREE is your published Reality Plan Book! PART ONE: Introduction to Dream Planning - Four parts--Conceive, Believe, Receive, and Achieve. This book. PART TWO: Your Dream Planning Workbook leads the reader step-by-step through 10 Dreams to Reality Steps, and book-publishing tutorial. PART THREE: Your Dream Plan Book: Your PUBLISHED dream plan book which tells the story of the dream you will achieve! It is the first manifestatoin of your "dream to reality." How many books, courses, and seminars have you taken that you leave with nothing, but a fading memory of fleeting inspiration? This process gives you a physical result, your published reality plan book. How much is a "dream come true" worth? It's PRICELESS! Read more
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